Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) based on the concept that there are energy channels running through the body called meridians and that Qi - the vital life force that sustains us - needs to run smoothly through these energy channels for optimal health. Blockage of a meridian pathway manifests as disease physically, emotionally and/ or mentally. Each meridian pathway relates to a specific organ system so we know which meridian is affected based on the patient’s presenting symptoms and can then create a treatment protocol to address that meridian. Placing thin needles along a meridian relieves Qi blockages and stimulates blood flow, thereby returning the body to optimal health. Acupuncture is a powerful healing tool that can be used for a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, neuroinflammatory disorders, mood disorders, sleep disorders, digestive concerns and pain. I typically include it in a patient’s comprehensive treatment plan to shift them from a sympathetic nervous system state into a more parasympathetic state and allow for a moment of relaxation.
Moxibustion follows the same concept as acupuncture, but instead of using needle insertion along the meridians, a moxa stick is used to heat that particular area. Moxa sticks are made of mugwort and this is lit using a flame. Moxa is a gentle tool for patients that have “cold” conditions that cause Blood and Qi stagnation.
Cupping also follows the same principles of acupuncture but uses plastic or silicone cups to stimulate the flow of Qi and Blood. Cupping is most commonly used for musculoskeletal concerns to break up fascial adhesions, improve tissue healing and relieve pain.